One Child Policy: A Success or a Failure?
has been a concern for human beings since the prehistoric times. When ice age
ended and humans began to linger on the planet Earth they wanted more children.
This was because greater family size ensured better protection, nourishment and
a comfortable life for the family by the collective efforts of its members. But
towards the modern times the world resources seemed depleting to the extent of
becoming insufficient to support the exponentially escalating human population.
Human beings became more and more fearful of their reproductivity. Thomas
Malthus, in 1798, even predicted the end of world. According to him the booming
human population would lead the world to catastrophe and global famine in the mid
19th century. In the 17th century the world’s population
was less than 550 million and as of today, solely China’s population is more
than 1300 millions yet, the world has not faced any calamity due to over
population (Heilig). In the mid 20th century China faced the problem
of over population and found it difficult to feed so many mouths. Just because
of the fear of booming population and dissipating recourses China strictly
imposed its one-child policy in 1979 totally neglecting the disapproval of its
people. As the years are passing the negative consequences of this policy are
becoming more and more obvious but there still exists a controversy whether one-child
policy is a success or a failure for China. Although, the policy has been a
milestone in reducing China’s growing population and in improving the living
standards across the country, however, in long run one-child policy has worsened
the China’s issue of aging population, created a dangerously unbalanced male to
female ratio, moreover, it is a clear cut infringement of human rights and is
responsible for poor upbringing of children.
proponents of China’s single child policy claim that Chinese government has
been successful in reducing the overall population growth rate of the country
and thus contributed towards national wellbeing. According to them population
decrease has played pivotal role in the evident industrial and economic
progress of China. The supporters justify their claim by various statistical
facts, for instance, the policy has prevented at least 300 million births
(Watts). Moreover, the supporters give credit to China’s one-child policy for
reducing the women fertility rate, children per woman, from 4.7 to 1.8 during
the past three decades. The data shows that the government has, at least, to
some extent got control over population and thus managed to employ the limited
resources in the backward areas improving their social and economic conditions.
However, the above stated facts only represent half-truth about the
effectiveness of one-child policy. The fertility rate has fallen to the optimal
rate (1.7-2.0) due to some other factors, instead of one-child policy, like
more women joining the workforce, lesser duration of maternity leaves, increasing
costs of raising children and stronger restraints on internal migration
controls. (YaleGlobal). According to Professor Wang Feng, China's fertility
rate was reduced from more than five to around two even before China’s one-child
policy (1979) was introduced (Wang Feng qtd. in It
is evident that the policy itself has very little significance in cutting down
the fertility rate and, thus, the population growth. Another argument in this
context is that other countries like Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong and Vietnam
have been more successful and efficient than China in casting down women
fertility rate and controlling their population. It is important to note that these
countries have not imposed any such compulsions and in specific, the Thai government
actually lowered the birth rate per woman to a level of just 2 in only 2
decades by providing easy accessibility to contraceptives (The End of China's One-Child Policy?). These examples rescind the importance of the so-called
indispensable China’s one-child policy. China needs to acknowledge that there
are better strategies to cope with the problem of growing population. In this
way China could have also avoided the constantly rising discontent and rebels
of its nation against one child policy. Thus, it sounds very hollow and
superficial to claim that such tentative results were unable to be achieved
without this policy and, therefore, the alternatives like public awareness and
use of contraceptives need to be incorporated for better results.
the policy is thought to have improved the living standards across the country;
however, a careful look into the society proves that the policy has caused overall
economic problems for the individuals. The supporters urge that the policy has
reduced the population competing for the limited resources and hence there are
better opportunities available for the existing people. From 1960 to 1979, the
real annual Gross Domestic Product growth rate was calculated to be 5.3% but
after the implementation of single child policy and economic reforms
(1979-2007) the real GDP grew by almost 10% per year (Morrison). This clearly means that China has the ability to double
its economy size in every eight years and owing to reduced population, the GDP
per person is also increasing significantly (Morrison). No doubt the high GDP figures of China over the past
decades and its emergence as a super power prove that the policy has provided
modern China with much progress in a relatively small time period. But the GDP
figures are not so preeminent that they over shadow the entire corpus of its
drawbacks. Most interestingly, the macro-level economic well being of country
has been mistakenly attributed to individual economic uplift and improved
living standards of the household. Initially, most families especially in rural
areas found that having one child has helped them to save money, ensured a
brighter future and better upbringing of their child but the same families present
a picture of woe and misery today. Some of these families include the parents
whose single grown-up child has either died or the child is unable to support
its elderly parents. In such cases the strapped parents are left helplessly
alone to face poverty and problems of old age. According to Norah Keating,
writer of China Daily, around 3 percent of elderly citizens residing in rural
areas get pensions and other benefits. Also, there are few long-term programs
(Keating). Elderly people have to rely on the support from their children, who
are in more than 30% cases away from their parents. Therefore, the economic
conditions of the elderly are deteriorating and they are on a large scale being
marginalized. Those who have just one child are more vulnerable to such
Apart from this there also exists another
problem for both elderly and younger people. This is called ‘Four-Two-One’ problem which means that sticking to
the policy for three generations would end up putting a burden of six people
(two parent and four grand parents) on just one earning member. Thus, it is
becoming more and more difficult for the single earning member to support his
parents, grandparents and his own family at the same time. Owing to this
‘Four-Two-One’ problem many children in China are forced to leave their parents
in lurch. Nicolas Retsinas says that in China Roughly 40 percent of
seniors currently live alone whereas they should be living in multigenerational
homes. Many of them solely rely on state for pension and other basic
necessities. The state is unable to fulfill the needs of many of these abandoned
elderly people. In the light of above stated facts it can be said that China’s
one child policy has ultimately worsened the living standards across the
country and it should be banned before it puts further strain on the already
reduced working population.
opponents of the policy assert that the policy has aggravated the issue of
aging population in China. The increase in life expectancy along with a fall in
birth rates due to strict adherence to one child policy has significantly
increased the number of elderly people in China. The ratio of over-aged people
to young one has increased to threatening levels. According to 2009 census there are 167 million people
over the age of 60. If the policy continued then by 2050 the number of
over-aged people will increase to 480 million while there will be even lesser
young people (Cost). These statistical figures clearly imply that
the work force in China is shrinking at much higher rate. This is because the people
entering the work force are much less than the people who are leaving on
retirement. A smaller birth rate implies
a lesser labor force and hence fewer hands in assembly lines and agricultural
fields. Thus, it can be said that China’s birth control policies also pose a
threat to their production and economy. Moreover, Chinese government has put
the fate of millions of the over-aged people into hands of fewer younger ones. It
seems that despite of China’s better financial position it seems difficult for
government and young people to support the elderly people. Benjamin Cost
further mentions, “Currently, China's care facilities can only accommodate
around 1.6% of the people over 60, almost 7% less than the global average”.
Recently the GDP growth rate of China has also fallen by 2.5%. According to Ma
Jiantang, head of the National Bureau of Statistics, the increasing senior
citizens population has forced the government controlling bodies to decrease
China’s GDP growth goal to 7.5%, which happens to be the lowest in almost 10
years (Ma Jiantang qtd. in Cost). Thus China’s one child policy has
affected its economy by putting a strain of too many over aged people on the
government and reducing the workforce available to the country.
The policy has also created an
excessively unbalanced male to female ratio in the country. The male to female
ratio in China, already being the highest in the word, has further risen to 120
to 100 (LaFraniere). This means that for every 100 girls born, there are 120
boys born. Even a momentary look at the figures depicts the picture of upcoming
social problems for China. Sooner China will be having 35 million more boys
than girls and this gender disparity will continue in the coming generations.
China’s birth control policies have been responsible for creating such a
perilous gender disparity. Particularly, one child policy has made Chinese more
conscious of the sex of their only child. In case if the upcoming child is a
girl, it is often aborted after ultrasound. According to the newspaper
Huffington Post, more than 35,000 abortions are performed daily in China and
most of them are gender selective, because boys are preferred over girls.
Furthermore, the government also provides incentives like free vacations to
women who have abortions. If the policy continued the boys will outnumber girls
by at least 32 million (LaFraniere). The effects of this gender gap might
result into overwhelming social evils. First of all when more than 18% of males
could not marry, it’s quite natural for them to get frustrated. Various
psychological disorders and anxieties are also likely to be ubiquitous in the
males of China. The result of all this is increase in social evils and crimes
in the country. According to a US study the rape cases in China (year 2007)
were reported to be 31,833, which is almost twice the number reported in 2005
(Marquez). For instance, recently a 28 year old married woman was raped by a
local unmarried security officer. The police investigations proved that the
attacker was quite frustrated and psychologically unfit (Nie). There have also
been various other similar cases of assault in which frustration, anxiety and
other psychological disorders were found to be the root cause of increasing
social evils of China. Thus, the unbalanced male to female ratio and its
consequences demonstrate how one child policy has disturbed the peace and
tranquility of China.
the policy is unambiguously a violation of human rights. During the communist
period in China the government encouraged the people to have more children but
one child policy and its authoritarian imposition form government has deprived
people of their basic rights. For the publicity of this policy Chinese
government used various detestable slogans and catchphrases like “Raise Fewer
Babies, But More Piggies” and “One More Baby Means One More Tomb” (One-Child Policy
in China). The parents who give birth to second child are highly
fined and punished. Government has also not shown any mercy on pregnant women
who were about to give birth to their second child, they were subjected to
forced abortions. China has the highest rate of abortion in the world and its
law allows any kind of abortion (even forced abortion) at any stage of
pregnancy. There have also been many cases in which women have died of forced
abortions for instance on October 17, 2011 a woman was caught by Family
Planning officials for violation one child’s policy; the officials forced her
to abortion and she died in hospital (Gilbert). Some of the supporters of this
policy think that a woman’s body is the property of state and state has right
to control its production which seems repulsive because people has the right to
themselves. Nevertheless, the international welfare organizations like Amnesty
International have criticized China for its inhumanity and brutal conduct with
its people. Majority of China itself has shown strong discontent for the policy
but the government has continued the policy despite of all its negative
consequences. Such a gloomy scenario has further given rise to increasing
depression and suicide rates. According to various studies 287,000 people
commit suicide in China every year and more than 2 million people attempt to
kill themselves, this alarming rate implies that a person in China attempts
suicide every two minutes (China's
suicide rate ‘among highest in world’). All these failures of policy
suggest that the policy has failed to achieve the desired outcomes. Just in
order to reduce its population slightly, China has paid a much greater cost.
one child policy has failed considerably in the proper upbringing and
socialization of the children, primarily due to three major factors. First of
all the children do not have any maternal or paternal aunts. This adversely
affects their emotional and psychic development. As these relations and their
space is inherent in the human nature. Thus these kids are devoid of the
feelings of warmth and affection by uncles and aunts. Secondly, the children
also lack the vital relationship of a sibling. As they do not have any brothers
or sisters the sense of sharing or supporting each other does not develop in
their personalities. Lastly, the single child grabs undivided attention and
care of the parents. The continuous pampering by the parents makes children
adamant and used to such importance and care. Thus they face a lot of emotional
and psychological difficulties in their professional and practical life. The
concept of ‘little empress’ and ‘little emperor’ becomes very relevant in this
context. Thus the one child policy has failed to provide a suitable environment
for the upbringing of the children.
this policy has opened up dangerous avenues for the birth and upbringing of
undocumented children (Kuoliang). As the birth
of second kid is unlawful, the parents keep these kids concealed from the
knowledge of the state authorities. Thus, the second child in most cases
remains undocumented. There are more than 50 million unregistered children in
China. Such children then have to live a
life of misery as they do not have any identity. They are educated unlawfully
and then they make a living illegally as they cannot be employed officially.
Therefore, this repercussion of the one child policy proves the thesis that it
is a failed endeavor by the state.
conclude, it is evident that although one-child policy appeared as a major
contributing factor for the decline in China’s birth rate and an unprecedented
rise in the economic growth but such assertions are highly questionable on
multiple grounds. Despite the existence of positive relationship between the
policy and its intended outcome—a decline in birth rate, the policy has caused
many grievous outcomes which include the aging China, rampant gender selective
and forced abortions, critical gender imbalance and the abandoning of the
parents. Instead of deciphering China’s issue of increasing population, the policy
has plunged China into problems which the country can hardly overcome in the coming
generations. The multidimensional damage puts a big question mark on the
appropriateness and utility of the policy. Therefore, it is recommended that the
failed one-child policy should be discarded and replaced with better strategies
that also aim at mitigating the disastrous effects of the current policy. It is
encouraging to note that China has already made some moves in this direction.
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